Categories: Oral Surgery

The Importance of Getting Tooth Extractions From an Oral Surgeon

Sometimes, tooth extractions may be necessary to improve your oral health. This procedure is a type of oral surgery. That is why getting this procedure from an experienced dental professional is ideal. Here are the details about the importance of getting tooth extractions from an oral surgeon.

Thorough evaluation

An oral surgeon will perform a complete assessment of the patient’s mouth before the procedure. Dental scans will identify the sections that need tooth extractions. Asking about the patient’s medical and dental history will follow. Doing so can help determine if the patient has a condition that can affect the procedure. The surgeon may also check with the patient’s doctor before the tooth extractions.

Extensive experience and knowledge of oral surgery

A surgeon’s high level of skill can make tooth extractions effective in bringing back one’s oral health. A general dentist can diagnose and recommend proper treatment. This dental care provider can perform a simple dental extraction. A dental surgeon will be more suited for more complicated tooth extractions.

A surgeon will go through four to six years of residency after finishing a dentistry degree. Extensive knowledge allows this dental care professional to perform every type of oral surgery. Tooth extractions at any level will be no problem to perform. Patients will have peace of mind knowing that this surgeon will perform the procedure.

Proper aftercare

Tooth extractions are invasive. The patient will need proper aftercare. A surgeon can provide detailed aftercare instructions after the extractions. Removing teeth from the mouth often causes discomfort. This dental care provider will have a clear, custom-fit treatment plan. The plan will provide the patient with high-quality dental care from consultation to recovery.

Dental replacement options

The patient may need dental replacements after the tooth extractions. The surgeon can begin replacing the teeth after removing them. Research shows that most patients choose dental implants for durability and stability. Placing the titanium rods into the jawbone needs a specific level of technique. This surgeon can perform implant surgery and provide proper aftercare. The set instructions can ensure proper osseointegration.

IV sedation, if necessary

Some patients have severe dental fear. This condition can prevent them from getting proper oral care. Tooth extractions can be lengthy. Administering IV sedation can put the patient to sleep before, during, and hours after the procedure. The extractions will be painless. Studies show that patients who get this type of sedation have no memory of the procedure.

Reasons for tooth extractions

The main goal of every dentist is to keep teeth intact. But there are cases when a tooth is too damaged for any form of repair. Teeth with severe damage will need tooth extractions. The patient will most likely see a surgeon after a clear diagnosis from a general dentist. Below are other reasons for getting tooth extractions:

  • Wisdom teeth problems
  • Advanced gum disease
  • Dental crowding

Visiting an oral surgeon for tooth extractions can result in better oral health

Removing more than one tooth from your mouth is a complex procedure. Extensive training is needed to ensure successful results after tooth extractions. That is why seeing your oral surgeon is ideal for such a situation. Working with this dental professional will lead to a healthier mouth.

Request an appointment here: or call Northside Minnesota Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons at (763) 284-3159 for an appointment in our Coon Rapids office.

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Northside Minnesota Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons

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Northside Minnesota Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons

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